Tuesday 23 August 2011

My Train to Engineering .....

Being just another guy in class I never dreamt of being an engineer in my life. I studied my kindergartens and complete schooling in the same community based school from where my dad completed his schooling and in which  English and other languages were just books and exams to us. Coming from dissimilar business families each of our class mates never took studies to their hearts and brains, games and fun were our building blocks. I was so fascinated about my friends that I hardly used to care about any future planning in terms of career aspirations. My Mother was always curious about how would I end up as and she always acquainted me to pursue good education besides my beloved father to make me one like him in to his business stream. Everything precipitately came to grinding halt just after a week of my school board exams. All my days with plenty of games involving from indoor activities to  cricket and cycling  were lost from my daily widespread. I was made to go to my dad's office and work there as just another employee, with no planning and on being asked I uttered I will be joining commerce stream in the same community based college. Lost in day dreams with no game and fun, life was becoming lengthy, each day was like a week and so forth. Each of my friends were still relishing their summer holidays at its fullest length and I being so good at them was losing out my temper. Performance and results in office for about a week were extremely bad, My dad figured out that I am no good at it but having no other option he screamed on me to behave properly in to his work and ethics, this was my dad's way of teaching things. He believed in hard way of teaching and preaching. And as I was afraid of my dad from childhood and his way of preaching I couldn't groom anything in my week of experience at office. My mom figured out things aren't going so extensive between us and she wanted me to take a break and start afresh after coming back. She somehow managed in moving me for a fort night as summer vacation to my aunt's home in Hyderabad, as I hardly was able to enjoy them unlike my other friends. I started from home at around 0600 am in the morning to catch the train for Hyderabad, where I happen to meet two of my close friends who were also going to their relatives for summer vacation and on being asked I said even I am on to my aunt's home for a fort night. we merrily departed to each of our space and carried on.

I reached Hyderabad to my aunt's house, I was so fascinated to visit my cousins. Each of my cousin were dam intelligent and brainy all their schooling. Praveen and my aunt were in discussion of joining in to newly formed college nearby there vicinity, I was listening to their conversation along with Preeti. Preeti interrupted their conversation and included me to join along with Praveen. I was blank and a sudden feel of shock and happiness was all around. Without a single word about this mayhem, Preeti rushed to telephone speaker and called my mom and explained everything about me and Praveen studying together in their near vicinity. My mom without a single contemplation replied yes and Preeti here jumped off the floor with an excitement. I was still not able to figure out how would my life move on from here. My Mom Dad and Aunt later happened to discuss this and in a minutes time the decision was made.

The next day of my visit to Hyderabad was my first day to college life, city was huge, class was enormous, I was small in the atmosphere with no fluency in English and the regional Telugu language which were the only mode of communication. First few days I hardly could make a single word of mouth and a single friend to hang on with. The only ray of hope in the desert was none other than my cousin Praveen. I was banking on him to make communication and friends along. After a week's time atmosphere was settled, people were close and I was still alone in the myriad of hopes. In one fine class of Mathematics, our lecturer asked to solve the question at the earliest, I found myself with a quicker solution but to my dismay it was wrong. Nevertheless after few attempts I went slow on fear of failure and in this due course I was becoming known person to many of my colleagues and later on improving I found myself to be in good shape and that was the motivation which moved me long and along, I knew Mathematics could never let me down because this was the only subject I was interested in my school life apart from the rest but on the other hand Chemistry and Physics were bothering me. And with the help of Praveen and tutors I could crack Chemistry with a big haul and proved my teacher wrong who I still remember threw my notes on my face for being so stupid at it. All in all that passion and motivation was a different form of studies I have so far made in my life. Everyone around me including big names of my uncle-aunt, mom-dad and each of family members were responsible in nurturing my well being to get a big fat score then in entrance examination of Engineering.

This is my first blog and I always wanted to share this with my well beings as my happiest moment not to bolster me but to make out a point that anyone and everyone are capable to achieve things beyond imagination, beyond completion and beyond possible. It is where one discovers himself. And to remember back in time I never thought of boarding the train at 0600 am in morning to get in to my engineering. So move on, you never know how your past discover its future :)


  1. This train journey is indeed not only yours but also for us and for all the next generations to come ;).[This is because you showed us the way ahead.]

    From the perspective of yet another guy who had similar childhood(rather psychological)settings who has little knowledge on this other side of Nanda. Now I know where his values on friendship truly comes from.Also,now I know why Nanda's favorite philosophical book is Alchemist, it so much resembles his life. Now I more believe what emphasis is their on the relationship of Preeti,Praveen and the Bajaj family in our lives. Yep, You have got strength in numbers and I am sure it is hereditary :).

    Hope you get onto more such trains and make us discover what is true and beyond.

  2. When we are destined to do something in life, it's not only our determination which leads us towards it but also our fate. You are destined to board the train, your cousin is destined to call your mom for permission of your studeies in Hyd & in one way as it inspired the next generation to take studies seriously & destined your brother Anand to come to Hyd for his studies & meet me. I will Thank you for boarding that train, because of that I met Anand & become good friends. He is one the most brightest kids I came across in my life till now. Hope to see more of your expeditions of life in this blog. Cheers, Sagar.

  3. Well said Anand & Sagar, I am delighted being so close to you guys and thank you for being there :)

    On a lighter note (no thanks to me) :
    Your life and success is part of your integrity and rest everything has to occur for its completeness and so you should be thankful to your inner self and discover beyond self and supreme :)

  4. @Sagar : Thanks for the compliment and same to you for being a good friend and making our lives enriching. Though I am not a believer in fate and I think our actions determine our faith.

    @Nanda :
    In the spiritual context, I hope we would strive to continue in the journey of discovering one self.

  5. A well inspiring person who says little, but means a lot.....

    This is well suited as a first page of book:

    1. My Train to Engineering...

    Many more lessons to come up...
    10. STORY ABOUT MY LOVE.... (Awaited)... I remember you said me... But would like to be written by you in Greek And Latin Words.

    Keep Going Bro....
